Monday Weekend Recap.

 Happy Monday guys!

Well, after braving the horrible storm here on Friday and the softball organization NOT canceling the tournament in Albany, we piled into the car at 6 AM on Saturday and drove almost 4 hours up to Albany in the pouring rain. Siiiiiiigh.

Charlotte didn't even think he would play her for her first tournament back after mono but HE DID. She got some really great playing time. She played so well. She hit some real beautiful hits, got a double that tied one of the games, made some beautiful outs at second base, had an amazing double play. She really got all those sick cobwebs out and got right back into the game. Go her! So proud of her.

The Web Srs. drove down 3 hours to watch her play. It was nice they got to see her play. They had a chance to see what every glamorous weekend entails for us We went out to a great pub my friend Cindy recommended for dinner Saturday night. It was delish. We got back to the hotel at almost 9 PM and collapsed. We had been up since 4:30 AM that day! Then woke up at 6 AM yesterday and did it all over again. Only 1 game as opposed to 3 she played on Saturday. But still, played all morning, then drove home almost 4 hours and had to get ourselves ready for school today. It was not fun when that 5 AM alarm went off this morning. Web is super sick, hacking coughing. He also has a meet tonight and Charlotte has a volleyball game. Jesus Take The Wheel, right?

BUSY week this week for us between 2 volleyball games, a softball practice, my own two Professional Development 2 hr meetings after school and Charlotte's first duty as Class President, her Homecoming is Friday, AAAAAND another softball tournament next weekend. SIGH.   

Before I go, HAPPY BIRTHDAY (tomorrow) UNCLE BUDDY! We love you.


Ann xo
