They Call It A Comeback!

 Happy Wednesday Evening everyone.

Coming to you late from Casa Web. We are beat. Last night Charlotte had her first volleyball game back since mono. The coach only played her one out of the three games. I think she was being very careful with playing her too hard. She did great though. Scored a bunch of served points. They swept all three games. So it was definitely a slow roll into playing, which is difficult for her competitive self to comprehend, but she did it, played one game, got her feet wet and now it's behind her. She has another game tomorrow late away. So we'll see what the coach decides to do...

Then, we came home tonight and she got the great news that she was voted Sophomore Class President! Whaaat?! Talk about The Comeback Kid. I'm so proud of her. Another great thing to add to her portfolio. I'm just scared of what she may have promised the class and how it involves her crafty mother! HAAAAA! Stay tuned... It's gonna be a busy year.

We leave for Albany late Friday night for her first  away softball tournament playing for this new team. Web has a meet and we can't leave until he gets home, so I'm sure Char and I will sleep the whole way. And honestly, they said it was going to rain again this weekend, so I don't know. And I also don't know how much this coach will play her right out of the gate from having mono. So, everything is up in the air. It just stinks her first tournament is away. It would have been so much better had it been here on Long Island, so she can come home and rest in her own bed/house afterwards. Hotel life stinks.

(I'll take a front view pic of the arch -this is the back)

Anyway, so that's the news on our end. We managed to get the outside 90 % cleaned up and decorated. We were out there in the pouring rain (it rained here non-stop for 4 days straight), but it's done! I'll share pics of all that soon. Bought a bunch of mums, put up the giant pumpkin arch Web bought me for my birthday and a few cute Halloween things. And that's all she wrote.

I'll check in before we leave on Friday.


Annie xo
