Hump Day Hey.

 Hello, hello, hello.

Happy Mid-Week Hey. Trucking along here at Casa Web. Charlotte attended her vball team's game the other night but wore her jersey and sat on the sideline. She came home exhausted from just watching! LOL  Her throat was hurting this morning. Her throat hasn't hurt in a week, but I guess these symptoms come and go. So frustrating, This is a slow recovery virus. Ask anyone who has had it. It's awful. But it is what it is, right? Keep your fingers crossed for the doc on Friday. Sighhhhhhh. My frind Maria who is very into crystals and holistic healing sent her a healing candle and a special bracelet to help with her healing. We'll try anything!

School is school. That pretty much sums it up. Worst 9th graders they've seen come through in a looong time. Kids suspended in the first 3 weeks of school in a great school is unheard of. I guess this is the generation of zero consequences. Big deal I got suspended, I'm gonna just keep doing it. How many years do I have left? Ha!

Charlotte is taking all advanced placement classes this year. The ball game has definitely changed with workload and difficulty. But she's holding her own. Bless her heart.

All is quiet otherwise. Just trying to stay above water and take it day by day. This upcoming 3 day weekend is welcomed with open arms. Trying to get her strength up with decent dinners, etc. Roasted Brussel sprouts were on the menu last night. Not too bad.


Hope you are all having a great week.

Be back Friday.


