Holy Heatwave!

 Happy Friday Eve guys.

Just checking in. We've been battling a major heatwave here the last 3 days. So bad, all sports were canceled again today and Coach Web's meet was canceled. So shockingly enough, he was home today during the busiest sports season for him, at 3 PM. Whaaat?! That's insane.

Because everything was canceled, now I'm able to attend Charlotte's Back To School Night for the first time in 9 years! She even sketched out a map so I could find my way around the building! She's so me LOL I need a concrete visual to help me. I'm such a visual learner.

So, that's where I'll be as I head out tonight to see her teachers I've heard so much about. 

Saturday, we are headed over to Mom and Dad's to say hi to them for their birthdays. We won't be here for Mom's birthday the following weekend, we will be at a tournament. So let's celebrate both of them together right? Looking forward to seeing them now that Charlotte is feeling much better.

Okay guys, have the BEST weekend. Football starting too right? Enjoy.

Love, Ann
