Charlotte Update Part 2.

 Happy Almost Friday guys!

What a week. Sigh.

Mom was a HUGE help is taking care of Charlotte for me while I went to work. Thank goodness I'm home at a decent time to then take over. She was fever free for 2 days straight, with minor symptoms lingering, I considered sending her back to school today because the fever was gone and for her own mental health, but I decided we would see how she woke up today. She was in great spirits, so we sent her. I knew I was taking her anyway to see her pediatrician at 3 to tell us more of what we needed to know. And man, did she ever give us an earful. Sigh.

(first day back to school today after the sickness)

She examined her spleen and liver-both enlarged. This is what the Mono virus does, it settles there. So, the pediatrician said, "Absolutely no contact sports, no phys ed class, nothing but walking and going to school until she feels that inflammation is gone." The slightest bumping into her, bear hug, someone picking her up, risks a rupture. So, nothing for now, She was happy about the phys ed class though. LOL She needs to listen to her body the doctor said or she will wind up relapsing and being out of school until February and she was serious in her tone. No joke. She said the minute you feel tired, you rest. If you don't you will relapse. So this is where we are. She's back in school thankfully, but nothing until she examines her again next Friday, and so on... Eventually, she'll heal. She's a healthy kid in good shape. But this kicked her butt.

I'm just glad we're not piling in the car tomorrow night and heading off to a 3 day softball tournament this weekend. Ohhhh this tired family is fine with that. The Coach even said, she'll be no good to us unless she's completely healed. So that's that. College coaches really don't start coming out to see them until further into the season.

So, lots to take in, but we are doing our best to get this little kid back to being strong. Her friends have been super supportive, lots of dropped off treats, etc. So that's a good thing. Definitely put a smile on her face.

Saturday is Mom's real birthday. Now that we'll be around and not away, I may head over and take her to breakfast on Saturday. Depends on where we are here.

Okay guys, off I go to climb into bed EARLY. We are wiped.


Annie xo
