Charlotte Update

 Happy Tuesday guys.

So our little sickie is still home recovering. Still has symptoms, but no fever for 24 hours. That's a plus, but as you know with mono, symptoms, fever come and go. So I'm doing the best I can to get her healthy, keep her comfortable and get her on the other side of this. Today, was the mental breakdown of it all. I mean hey, the kid has been sick for 3 weeks, went back to school last week and sports and had a major setback. That's enough to drive anyone insane! I get it. So I've been on major damage control here every day I walk in from work to take over where my Mom leaves off. She's been coming to check in on Charlotte these last two days thank goodness. She will come back tomorrow and hopefully Thursday we can get her back to the doctor so she can check her out and tell us what's what.

I'm praying she's getting there. Praying. The missing school is doing a number on her mentally, plus being held up in the house. Today, I took her for a drive. Tomorrow, my Mom will do the same. Ugh.

So that's where we are. In full recovery mode. But it takes foreverrrrrrr.

Tomorrow night, we have to go back for the most dreaded night of the year-Back To School Night.

I hope it's fast and painless.

Speaking of pain...How about that JETS game last night? The new QB didn't last long but how about that rookie coming in to win the game? Awesome!

(happy belated birthday to my dad) looking good pops

Have a great week guys. I'll be back to keep you posted.

Love, Annie
