Charlotte Progress.

 Happy Friday everyone.

Thank you for all the checking in with me regarding Charlotte it means the world. So we were waiting on the lab results back from all the blood she gave. I mentioned, Lyme Disease, West Nile, Mono, lots of stuff that were scary to hear. So I prayed, HARD. She wasn't doing any better two days ago, but yesterday when she woke up, for the first time she was fever free. It was definitely a big hopeful moment for me. She was running 101 fever consistently for 3 days, and I guess her worst day, Wednesday, maybe it finally broke? She was sweating a lot.

So, waiting for those test results is a lot like waiting for a baby to be born, right? The doctor finally called later yesterday afternoon to say everything was negative, still waiting on the West Nile results, but she says flu. She also said if she's not fully improved in the next 3-4 days I have to take her back to get the mono test retaken. But, that was a BIG relief for us. Man, your momma brain and heart are just ready to explode and NOTHING else matters when your kid is sick. So I haven't slept much in a week. Last night I finally collapsed, knowing she was going to sleep fever free and we had some answers. Hey, I'll take the flu diagnosis over anything else she was throwing out.

She also said she didn't want her overexerting herself, no running for a few days. SLOWLY, get back into the sports, because this virus kicked her arse! So, day by day here, but yesterday, I feel like we reached a turning point after a really long 7 days.

We had big smiles in the last few days her friends, family left her some pick me up presents/flowers on our front steps. She is loved :)

I just wanted to keep you updated and thank you for all the positive healing vibes. They are working.

Love you all xo, Ann 
