(Wo) Man Down :(

 Happy Monday everyone.

Well, as happy as it can be I guess. Charlotte is still, unfortunately, quite ill. The doctor called us back because she seems to be getting worse, not improving at all. Even if it's viral, she should be improving. She's worried it may be mono, so pray real hard it's not. I guess we will hopefully, get to the bottom of this by tomorrow. She's so upset, being that sick is upsetting. Ugh. Send her good vibes, please.

(lots of sleeping and nursing)

I broke out of the sick house yesterday for a bit and had Web stay back with Charlotte while I drove Mom and Dad to Chris Logios' CT house. We met up with Barb and her gang and all the Logios kids. Was so nice to see my brother. We don't have the luxury of seeing him whenever we want anymore. So planned visits with the gang are how we do it. Was so great to see him and hear what the kids are all up to. Everyone is doing great. Isabel and her boyfriend are both starting their first teaching jobs (HS) in the Bronx. They were both nervous and excited. So good for them! Eva only has a few semesters left and she will graduate from college. She's doing amazing and loving it. O is still working 3 days in NYC, 2 days from home for the same firm and Chris is taking the train into NYC and coming home to his beautiful, quiet country house and loving it. The ride on a Sunday, only took us 1 hr 25 min. Not bad at all. They BBQ'd a real nice spread and we had desserts galore and sang to Spiro. Web and Charlotte were missed :( 

Happy Birthday to Spiro

So today, I thought Charlotte would be bouncing out of bed and be back to her energetic self. When that didn't happen, I started to worry. It's been 5 days. So most important right now, is getting her healthy. Her volleyball tryouts had started today, but we reached out to the coaches who both had real nice things to say about the athlete Char is and said, just concentrate on getting better, we know what kind of athlete you are.

So, tomorrow we go to her pediatrician at 12. Then we'll know. Fingers crossed it's nothing serious and she shakes it.

Been watching her sleep and catching up on lots of TV. Watching this Special Ops, Lioness show. It's real good.

Okay guys, sending hugs xo, Ann

PS- The Coach is back on the clock, too! What a week...

