She Made It!

 Happy Monday guys.

Well, our little slugger had a week long of grueling tryouts and we got the call Saturday night she made that elite college showcase team. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

It was a long week filled with nerves and prayer and positive vibes for the kid. She rose to the occasion and gave her best effort and it paid off in a big way. We couldn't be prouder of her. Really. This will give her a huge opportunity to play with the best of the best and be looked at by college coaches. She loves it so much, she does want to play at the college level, so this is where we are right now. This new team also comes with a recruiter who works for the girls, who sets up a nice online profile for them and will reach out to certain college coaches once the girls show interest in where they may want to go to school. Charlotte's big year for scouting will be her junior year they say. But this entire year she will be playing with girls who are actively being scouted at these showcases and if I college coach sees something in Charlotte they like, they may reach out to us. SHOW ME THE MONEY! LOL Best Jerry McGuire line of all time. LOL

So this new chapter should be interesting. And the tournaments aren't full weekends thank goodness. Not like this summer. They are basically just showcases for college coaches to take a look. Al fun and exciting. And she is over the moon.

Switching gears... Volleyball pre-tryouts for school start this whole week! Jesus take that wheel. She's excited to take a little breather from all things softball and use different muscles and skills. So please wish her luck :)

I will be packing us all up to leave after this week for South Carolina. Super excited to get the heck out of here for a billion different reasons.

Got a lot of rain last night and today which we needed desperately. So it's a good day to start organizing for the trip.

Hope everyone is well.

Love xo Ann
