Mid-Week Heey.

 Happy Hump Day all.

Going here at full throttle volleyball pre-tryouts this week, coupled with school physicals for Char, batting lessons, shuffling her to and from every activity and social gathering in between! Oh and trying to get the house in order and packed up before we leave on Monday morning. The place we are staying looks pretty amazing. It's on Spring Island, SC. My friend even had housekeeping go in and prep the place for us, set up a tour of the island with her friend and sent me a huge map of the island with all the activities offered and running trains for Web. Wow, she's really the best and the NICEST lady on the planet. So humble and kind and accommodating. I am so fortunate to know her and her family and beyond blessed she offered us her home for a week. We really are so excited.

(Volleyball Mode- ON)

We read today that there are stables with horses on the island, a golf course, huge fitness center, a five star restaurant on the water, a museum, several hiking trails. Right up our alley. And it's 15 minutes from the beach, but the house sits right on the river.

But you know, getting all the things done before then...So I focused on the basement clean out today, and bought all the toiletries. Tomorrow, I will set up nail appointments for Charlotte and I and start the packing process. I want everything done by Saturday night, so Sunday we can focus on closing up the house, moving things away outside and wrapping this up. I just can't wait to wake up somewhere else and not have a "to do" list on the counter. Or sports practices, or appointments or carpooling for a week.

(Uber Web)

Hope you are all doing well. I think we're expecting rain tomorrow. Good excuse to stay in and pack.

Love, xo Ann 
