Change of Plans...

 Hi guys.

Well, unfortunately we should be in upstate by now, but Charlotte got real sick. UGH She started to not feel well yesterday, but we were so busy here, running in and out getting everything done, I thought, it will pass. She never gets sick. Well, we came home from a school function last night and she really didn't feel well. But again, having been down this kid road, I thought by morning she'll be better. A little bug. Nope. So 2 COVID tests later and a visit to the doctor and she has a virus, sore throat, earache, you name it. We had to cancel going upstate. We were all packed and ready to go. But, when we have plans, God laughs, right? Out of our control. But super disappointing. And now, just nursing the girl back to health as she starts volleyball (depending on how she feels) Monday.

So, you know when you have everything planned out for a weekend and BAM all of a sudden, things shift, and you've already done everything you needed to do prior to leaving? So now what? Well, I finished up a few left to the side projects. Put together that "command center " in the kitchen to keep us organized this fall. Bought new counter stools. After Char lays down again, I'll run out and finish Spiro's birthday gift and that's that.

(here's the wallpapered little calendar section in the kitchen)

Mentally, wiped. So that's our turn of events. We will get to see them. It just stinks it didn't work out today. Sending hugs to our upstate fam :)

Off to take care of the girl.

Love, Annie xo 
