Weekend With The Webs.

 Happy Saturday guys.

Just checking in after a looong Saturday of softball and a Sweet 16 . Ya know, just end with a bang! LOL

It was an eaaarly wake up call for The Websters this morning to head over to the ball field. Charlotte had to leave here by 7 AM! Like cmon'. LOL  She had 3 games back to back in the heat. We were tired, sweaty and spent by the time the last game ended. It really is Softball Survivor. 

Charlotte did great. Had 3 nice hits, a walk and a single she was thrown out. She fielded amazing. Had a bunch of nice outs. She should be proud. Cause we sure were. 

(our little softball cabana)

It was a long day, we got home around 3 and then we all laid down and got up to get Charlotte off to one of her softball teammate's Sweet 16. Thank goodness Web does the late pick ups. He went to go get her at about 10:15 PM.

She has another early call time at the field tomorrow at 8 AM. But it's 1 game elimination. If they lose the first game, they're out. If they win they go onto the next and so on...

We are going away for her friend's birthday overnighter to some big waterpark in CT on Monday. We leave again super early (7 AM) and will stay at the park for as long as we can stand it! LOL Then head back to the hotel. We are taking one of Charlotte's friends with us. So yes, the next 2 days between softball and the waterpark are super busy for us. I'm still waiting for MY summer "vacation" to start. Sigh.

So funny to see Charlotte go from a dirty softball uniform to a black cocktail dress for this party tonight. She cleans up well the kid.

Okay all, just wanted to check in and say hi. Off I go to catch some zzzzzz's and prep for the next few days.

Happy Weekend!

xo, Ann
