Start Me Up.

 That's my nod to Mick Jagger's 80th! 

And welp, The Webs could use a little re-starting! LOL  We just came off  a looong, hot, softball weekend that  bled right into an early wake up for us on Monday to drive 2 1/2 hours to the middle of nowhere in CT to bring Charlotte and her friend, Megan to a big water adventure park, The Brownstone. We got home yesterday afternoon and were EXHAUSTED. Well, Web and Charlotte were mostly physically exhausted, they ziplined, went cliff diving, rock climbing, swam, Lord have mercy, it was not the "waterpark" that we're all accustomed to with slides and a lazy river, ummm, NO. It was like a Navy Seals boot camp "adventure park" in 110 degrees. We were there with10 other school families from 10 AM until 5 PM. I couldn't take just sitting there and watching anymore in the hot, beating sun, so at around 2:30 I said to Web, I need to see if they will let me into the hotel early. There was no way I was swimming in that dark, murky water! Me, along with 6 other moms did not go in there. LOL 

So, we reserved the girls their own room which was adjoined to ours, I got to the hotel 2 hours before them so I could get my head on straight, sit in the A/C and set up their room. I knew when they finally crawled in from the place they would be so tired and want to take a nice shower and chill. I poured myself a freezing cold glass of wine and went to work prepping everything for the gang.

One of the moms ordered pizzas we all chipped in and reserved the conference room in the hotel for all the young kids. Needless to say, they had even more fun just hanging around the hotel, going in the pool, watching movies and playing card games. I think they liked it better than the adventure park!

(Charlotte is too much, after you climbed the wall, you had to zipline to get down!) OMG

The kids worked their way back to their rooms by midnight. We checked out of the hotel by 10 AM, stopped for McD's breakfast on the way and sat in a ton of traffic to get home. Yeesh CT, where are y'all going? LOL

We all collapsed yesterday afternoon. And Charlotte was over the moon her softball practice was canceled because of rain.

(Web racing 14 year olds up the rock wall! LOL No wonder why everyone is beat here!)

She slept in until 11:45 today! She didn't have to work down at the beach which was awesome. Tomorrow night, she and Web are going with a friend of hers to the Met game. She's excited, but we just have to hope the rain stays away.

So that's what we've been up to here. Web decided to tackle a big DIY project. All his idea. He reworked an inground watering system for the landscaping. It was a hard two day project but it's great, it even includes a misting component for my potted plants. It's a pain to go out there every day (twice a day) and water everything. This is such a lifesaver. Especially when we are gone all weekend for tournaments. I don't have to worry!

Big get well wishes to Web's Dad. He wound up back in the hospital with a bad infection. But hopefully, after this finally dose of antibiotics for a longer period of time, he will finally be healed.

Hugs to all,

xo Annie 
