Hump Day Check In

 Happy Wednesday guys! Crummy weather here again today. I'm really hoping this awful summer weather makes a turn around. But I saw on the news, it's everywhere, unfortunately :(

I got caught in the monsoon yesterday when I was on my way home from visiting Mom and Dad yesterday. I also had a surprise sighting of Uncle Joe. That was fun! But that rain and flooding was awful. Reminded me of what we drove home in Sunday from the tournament. Scary. Charlotte had her last softball practice for a while last night after the storm cleared. I think she's ready for the next phase of summer, ya' know?

(rainy, muggy, ughhhh)

She has another Sweet 16 for an older girl on her school team this Saturday. So I dragged Mom yesterday to try and find her something to wear. We scored. I slipped the dress right over my head and it fit, so I knew it would fit her. We're now the same size. LOLLL

 She starts that two-day intense camp tomorrow and Friday. Thursday it's from 9-5. Yikes. And Friday only 2 hours. We had her batting coach meet with her yesterday to get her ready. She loves him and he's a great coaching fit for her.

She has two more tournaments coming up and that's it. Thank you Lord. Then a week of volleyball pre-tryouts and two days of travel ball tryouts and the Webs are getting the HECK out of heeerrrreeee. We are going to So Carolina for a week. Peace OUT. Never needed a getaway more than this.

So we are definitely keeping busy here. More than ever. Next Monday we are driving to some water park in CT for a one day getaway for Charlotte and a few of her friends. Not my first choice of the first big "outing" of the summer buuut, what we do for our kids, right? 

So that's what's what here on our end. Hope you are braving this muggy weather okay.


Annie xo
