Firecracker, BOOM!

 Happy July 3rd guys!

Ahh, the life of a teacher on summer vacay, I woke up today and didn't even know what day it was. LOL

Been sick, unfortunately, the last 4 days. I came down with an awful earache and blisters in my throat! I know, ouch and came out of nowhere. I never get sick. Guess my body finally shut down after 6 months of going non-stop with 3 major parties in between. Guess it was bound to happen. So I think I'm on the mend, but was homebound and not doing much these last few days. Weather has been nasty anyway. High humidity, awful haze from the fires and random downpours.

Charlotte worked 9 hours yesterday down at the super hot beach. We visited her on her break and Web hand delivered a  huge 7 Eleven slurpee, Poor girl was sitting out there all day. Under an umbrella, but still-brutal. She's only on relief duty today for 3 hours which is great. She goes from post to post and relieves the people on duty for an hour. She's also working Wed/Thurs but has off tomorrow for the 4th. And softball in between. 

(The cutie at work)

Speaking of, we've had a nice break from ball since the game last Thursday. Sort of a weird transition for me, we are so overwhelmingly busy with our own stuff and Charlotte with sports, that when there's a lull in a few days, and no running or routine, it's like, what am I going to do to keep busy? LOL  I killed myself to get the house in order for Barb's party this year and with just a few tweaks here and there outside and to tidy up the basement. Well, not much happening. It's like what will I watch on Hulu/Netflix today? I know I'll look back on this in September when we're in the thick of it and go- What the heck, I'd take that downtime back in a heartbeat! But, for someone like me, the sleeping pattern change (has been the hardest) and the downtime is quite the adjustment.

Anyway, yesterday because I was feeling well enough to boss Web around (lol) I asked him to finally remove two overgrown bushes from the flower beds in front of the house. I feel like with all the landscaping I did, plus some leftover overgrown stuff from the previous owner, things were getting a bit crowded out there. So yes, 16 years later in this 1936 house and there's always something to fix, tweak, glow up or paint. We did so much painting here over the last 5 years, there really wasn't anything to paint this summer. This is a shocker! Yes, Web's bathroom could probably use a mini-reno and coat of paint, but honestly, it's fine. And the kitchen walls could probably use a refresh, but again, it's fine. LOL

So, I've been rambling. Saw Mom and Dad on Friday for a bit at their pool. I spent the better half of the day there with Barb. Was nice to visit with them and we had the pool all to ourselves.

Barb works a few days of week in the summer, but usually has off Fridays so that's good. Marina is starting her volunteer job (she will make tips at the end) at a really big beach camp called Anchor, for kids with special needs. She will start that July 5th. Which will keep her super busy for the rest of the summer. I said to Web, I'd much rather have Charlotte working and with sports all summer and super busy, than laying around and doing nothing. She's super motivated for a 14 year old kid and kind of want to instill that work ethic and drive in her now in hopes she will always have it. Because, my goodness, there's been quite a shift in young people/motivation this last decade or so. Holy Cow. Hoping her generation turns that around. It seems like it. Her friends are all working and money hungry!

I want to plan a trip to CT to see Chris again soon. So I will have to get on that. We bought our plane tickets for So Carolina for August so that's a big thing done and in the books. We are excited for that :)

That's all I have on The Logios/Webster front for now. Hope you all have a fantastic Fourth!  

Love xo, Ann
