Hey Everyone!

Happy Wednesday. We are in the final push of this hell week of school/Regents Exams/ Finals. Charlotte had her last exam yesterday. The Geometry Regents. Still haven't received that score yet, but today she got the great news she scored a 97 on the Earth Science Regents! Way to go kiddo.

I am in the thick of Teacher Luncheon Party Prep for tomorrow. My car is filled with flowers for the tables tomorrow. I was smart this time, forget the fresh flowers, I got flowers for the garden that I will take home and plant in our own garden after tomorrow. Heck yeah! I also picked up a few more desserts, well, because you can never have too many, right?

We are going to head back to school this evening to decorate the little buffet section for the wraps/sandwiches Web ordered. The luncheon starts at 11 tomorrow and then, I can breathe. Actually, tonight after it's all set up. I'm OFFICIALLY DONE :) My third big party in two months. This chick is beat.

So, both cars are packed with some flamingo themed summer cute decor and some left over stuff I'm recycling from Barb's party. See reusing stuff! Woop.

( I found this cute flamingo flower basket at TJ Maxx )

Charlotte is headed over to a friend's tonight to watch a movie marathon of High School Musical. So funny that was big when the Logios kids were her age. Everything came back in style 6-7 years later. So funny.

She has another softball tournament this weekend here on Long Island and a random game Monday believe it or not here right in Rockville Centre! That never happens. And I have a girl's night out planned Saturday night to kick off the summer baby! So excited.

That's all I have for news. I will check in on Friday to say, "Adios !" to this crazy, long, exhausting schoolyear. Then no more rushing for TWO MONTHS! Yipeeeee. Oh and we signed her up for an intense college level softball 2 day camp here on Long Island in the end of July. Gotta keep the momentum going and all...

Hugs to all and Happy Birthday Mary Jo Webster.

xo Annie
