Tuesday News...

 Hey everyone. FIVE more days of teaching says the tired HS teach,

Today, I gave Part 1 of one of my finals. Just a small part done before Finals Week. Just gotta get through the next few days. OY.

Last night we had a busy night. Charlotte was part of the Art/Music Awards ceremony. She scored a bunch of beautiful awards. Two of her art pieces were entered in contests and one of the pieces will be on display in the Children's Museum this summer. The piece is GORGEOUS. It really is. She was then inducted into the Music Honor Society for flute, won a NYSSMA award for her participation and won Most Valuable Pit Performance for the musical Peter Pan. Like wow, kid! And BRAVO to her.

I had a super busy afternoon today myself , trying to get all the dentist doctor appt. check ups done before summer, Charlotte is currently at a travel ball batting practice with her Dad and I'm tending to schoolwork, ironing and trying to get through the rest of the week. Friday I have my "end of the year" party for school. I don't plan on going for a long time, but I think it's important to show up. And then this weekend gotta get the outside of this house put together. We've been going going since Web went upstate, gotta get this stuff done. All of last weekend was shot due to a weekend full of endless softball games. This weekend she has a scrimmage so it doesn't count which is good and it's only 1 game. The following weekend, Father's Day Weekend the 3 of us are headed to a tournament in CT. Oy vey!

And so on and so on... LOL  One day at a time has been my motto here. Actually, one hour at a time.

Sending hugs.


