Happy Friday Eve...

 Good Afternoon gang!

Here's the latest David Webster update: From MJ- He saw the surgeon today and he will have the drains in until July 12th when he will also have the looming gallbladder surgery. Web spoke to him last night, he said he was exhausted and had no appetite and wasn't sleeping. So I guess, little by little he'll get there. He was in pretty rough shape.

In other news, we have 8 days left of teaching. So Yay for us! Charlotte is in the process of taking a few final exams here and there before her Regents Exams start not next week, but the following week. In between, of course, we have a bunch of commitments. Graduation parties, Final Exams, End of Year parties, Travel Ball tournaments Awards assemblies, you know, the end of June chaos.

Charlotte isn't attending a Regents Academy after school today, so I will run to pick her up in 10 minutes and take her for our  Starbuck's treat. Web has another Union thing late after school today...

We are in the midst of finally trying to plan some fun things for US this summer. It has been the year of 

going and doing for others. Which is nice, but it's our turn. We need it- Big time!

So I have that on the brain. And typical end of schoolyear responsibilities.

Hope the week is treating you well.

Love to all.


