Happy Father's Day! Softball Tournament Recap.

 Hi everyone. We are back from our 3 day tournament away this weekend. It was a whirlwind. 

The weather was so iffy they canceled, they rescheduled, they rescheduled again. That's the nature of a softball commitment, it's ever evolving around the weather. Anyway, we decided to leave after school on Friday, even though right before we left the coach said the Saturday games would be postponed until Sunday. We were already on the road and thought why would we turn back?  Well, it's a good thing we didn't turn back because at 9 PM Friday night, we were all settled into our hotel and the coach sent a follow up, GAMES BACK ON for Saturday! It never rained this weekend at all in CT (but was pouring in NY), so everything was back on. All those kids and families had already canceled their hotel and had to scramble to get there for early on Saturday. Again, thank goodness we decided to still go on Friday :)

(Can you sense the enthusiasm in Web's face? LOL)

And right before our softball tourney, Web's Dad went back into the hospital for an infection that got the best of him! Crazy. But we got word last night that they discharged him and he's home. So that's good news :)

Back to the tournament, they played ALL day on Saturday. Three games in a row. They lost the first two, won the last. Charlotte played third base for the whole tournament. She seems to be settling in nicely there for this travel team, but for school ball likes shortstop. It also has a lot to do with her different comfort level in the infield for both very different teams. But she rocked it. I overheard two random CT dads sitting behind me say, "Wow that third baseman is putting on quite the show today!"  Yup, that's my girl! She had a few nice hits as well. Guess those fielding lessons are helping her also :)

(they wear 2 uniforms, I love the black one)

I love watching her play because she loves it so much. It ain't easy. A lot of times, you are competing against yourself. Even though it's a "team sport", if that makes sense. So, you're hard on yourself. She's learning to deal with that and shake off any errors and move on. You have to.

We had a SUPER early wake up call Sunday to be on the field by 7 AM. AND check out of the hotel with a ton of stuff because we would leave directly from the field to go home. It was a single game elimination and they lost the first game. So we were back on the road yesterday by 9:30 AM. It only took us shy of 2 hours to get home. On Father's Day, not too bad. We didn't have much of a Father's Day hoo-ha because it all revolved around travel, but this is where we are. Everything else will take sort of a backseat for the next few years. She's our priority.

So we finally made it home and all collapsed yesterday. Charlotte had a Regents Review course for 3 hours online for her Geometry exam and bless her heart, she sat for the entire thing from 6-9 PM last night. Her exam is tomorrow so please send some good vibes.

Today, this teach will be finishing report cards and grading final exams. No rest for the weary here. I have my last final exam to give tomorrow and the teacher luncheon to throw with Web Thursday. THEN, I can breathe. But so many work responsibilities this week are weighing heavy.

Have a great start to the week and Happy Father's day to all you rock star dads, uncles and grandpas.




  1. That was a nice post, Annie. One thing you forgot to mention - when they cancelled, uncancelled, etc. . . when we went to sleep Friday night we were directed to be on the field at 7am Saturday. So at 6am when we woke up to prepare, Charlotte moaned "Oh, now they moved the game to to 11am. We have to be there at 10." So it's a good thing we got up THREE hours too early!
    Also, call me crazy. . . driving home on Sunday morning, Annie at the wheel, says "I'm so tired that my eyes are totally blurry and I think I'm going blind." NOT what you want to hear the driver EVER say :)

    1. LOLLLL I just read this- I was so delirious driving home on Sunday yeah, probably shouldn't have said that about the blurry eyes LOLLLLL


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