Wash OUT Start To The Week

 Happy Tuesday everyone!

Well, let's see it poured rain again last night and rained all day today. I think we need a bigger boat!

Today, Charlotte was supposed to have a softball game on the elementary school field, but with it being overflooded, no can do. So... They moved it to a night game, under the lights at their fancy high school field. Only problem is, it's freezzzing, damp and will be way passed my bedtime! HA! If the rain holds out I guess. So, I had the chance to pick up the girl after school and we ran to Starbuck's our little favorite spot for a pre-game pick me up. A colleague of mine had given me a thank you gift card, so it was perfect!

Charlotte is normally not home right after school with practice/games so it was a real, nice treat spending some time together.

We have a busy next few days. She has an away game tomorrow, another one Thursday and one on Saturday, then a travel game Sunday! Holy Crap. LOL When we have rainouts, we are all actually doing a secret happy dance! For the break.

Anyway, I'm off to bundle up and get ready for this night game. Don't know if Web will be joining me or not I think he has meetings? I can't keep track honestly. I know I'm on my own tomorrow night for that far away game. Hoping my Mom and Dad will meet me there for company. Then I have to rush her out of there and see if we can make it back to school for the Honor Society Induction which will be SUPER tight. So, we'll just do the best we can...

Other than the awful rain for the last 5 days and teacher/parent exhaustion. We're good. Hanging in there and counting down the days until teaching is over! (29 to be exact!)

Kisses to all.

xo, Ann

PS- Remember I told you Charlotte was featured in that newspaper article 2 weeks ago? Well, her school framed it and hung it outside the gym! How awesome, right? 
