Hi everyone. Hope you are well. I have a David Webster update for you. He went in last weekend for emergency abdominal aortic aneurysm surgery. Went home and sepsis took over his body. And his 

gall bladder was also a mess. Admitted back into hospital to try and get infection under control, had 2 drains put in yesterday and now they wait. Web ran out of school yesterday morning and made the long drive up. Don't know how long he'll be up there... Doctors were mostly concerned about David last night. The drains seem to working and getting rid of the infection. So prayers for him. Please.

Charlotte and I are keeping things afloat down here as the unofficial kick start to summer begins. I brought her to a 2 hour travel team practice last night and today she's at a Regents Review Academy until 4:30. What ever happened to getting the Friday off before Memorial Day? Kinda stinks. Especially since we didn't have any snow days. Oh well.

So we are on our own these few days, and will continue to pray for Papa and sit tight and get some stuff done around here. Waiting to pick up the girl, then order some dinner and be in for the night.

Loooong week here for us and Web's family.

I'll check back in with an update on David this weekend.


xo Ann
