Monday Madness.

 Happy Monday everyone.

Coming off another softball high from the girl's victory weekend. Her team beat South Side. Mine and Web's school! It was so awesome. They played Saturday in the hot, beating morning sun and what a difference from 2 days prior when we were out there in winter hates and gloves. It's just insane.

So, Charlotte probably had the best game of the season on Saturday. She hit every up at bat, stole a bunch of bases. Stole home. Fielded like a rock star. Definitely her best game to date. And 2 people I graduated HS with had kids on the opposing team, so it was even better she beat them! They were so pompous in HS. HA! Guess people don't outgrow that.

(Charlotte and Coach Joe)

Then yesterday, she and Web drove out East an hour to be on the ballfield by 7 AM. They were there all damn day and crawled in the door yesterday at 4. Needless to say, I fed them and they showered and crawled into bed by 6:30 PM. Thank goodness she only has practice today. She needs some REST. I think she has a 1/2 hour batting lesson later but that's that.

Tomorrow, another game. But it's local right here up the street. Thank goodness. Those far away games last week back to back were murder.

Wednesday we have her Award's Assembly, Thursday another game and Friday that big retirement party for my colleague. Holy Fast Moving Train.

On the bright side, there are 25 days left of teaching! YUP. Best news I heard all day.

It was also a whopping 80 degrees here today. SUMMER I see you and I like it. I planted a few summer flowers in my spare time (LOLLL) this weekend!

Sending love your way.

xo Ann
