Monday Chill?

 Well hey everyone. Hope all the moms had a nice day yesterday. As you read from my weekend post, the retirement party was a HUGE success! But man, am I so happy to breathe. Have all of the decorations out of the house and gone. Even since Barb's party two weeks ago. Life has certainly been hectic and with all the softball smashed in the middle. 

This is the first Monday we don't have a game. No games this week at all! OMG. Charlotte still has practice, but they get this week off before next week's playoffs begin Monday 5/22. Stay tuned for all that exciting stuff... I really hope they kick butt!

I spent this weekend seeing my Mom for a bit on Saturday, then ripping out all the dead spring flowers and replanting just a few summer pots and pretty pink flowers. I wanted a very low maintenance summer garden this year.

Off I go to get the girl from practice, but I just wanted to wish all of you a great start to the week!

Be back Wednesday. Love, Ann
