CINCO de Mayo

 Happy Cinco de Mayo amigos!

What a WEEK. Busier than ever, with that rain make up game in the middle of all this. So this week, there were games TUES WED THURS and TOMORROW . Honor Society Induction thrown in there. Just for fun and a nervous breakdown.

The team had a great win last night out East. They were so happy to beat this team that had a decent record! We were cheering like crazy. It was far away so it was just us, my parents and one other mom there, but I'm so glad we got to see it! It really boosted their morale and Charlotte rocked it! She had 3 hits up at bat and stole home. A bunch of great plays she made at shortstop. I wish Uncle Buddy could see videos on his phone.

So that long ride in rush hour last night was beyond worth it. So fun! I was at a different game with her on Wed. night far away and had to race her home at make it to the Honor Society ceremony with 5 minutes to spare. She accepted her induction in a dirty softball uniform but the Principal acknowledged that she made it! I was panting and gasping in the back row of the auditorium. LOL

So it's been a hectic week. Tomorrow, they are calling for sun, so her game against our school should be nice at 10 AM. She's at practice now, as we speak but couldn't be more excited to have off tonight from any games. She has a travel ball tournament at 7 AM out East on Long Island on Sunday. A bit ridiculous, eh?  It is what it is, I guess.

I'm in the process of putting the final touches on mu colleague's retirement party next Friday already! Busy busy. Next week we have 3 games and an Academic Awards assembly for Char. I'm tired just writing this!

I hope you all finally have a break from this awful rain. It rained 7 days straight here. I think we're good.

Kisses to all,

xo Ann


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