Monday, April 3rd.

Yes, that's a whole bunch of capital letters screaming 3 days left! 

We couldn't be happier here to hop right into this Spring Break. For the first time in I wanna say, 8 or 9 years, we are not going away. Poor us, right? LOL It was a good run. But, our little softball chickie needs to be here for 4 games over break for her school team.Crazzzzzy. Man, I coulda used a little R & R BIG TIME and much needed sunshine, but this is us right now. And I love watching her because she loves the game.

She's playing on a very young Varsity team this year. Meaning, the coach had 8 seniors graduate from the team last year. That's the team that won the County Champs and Small School Champs. So that rock star year bumped them up in a Division. Only problem is, our young team is playing against college level kids.Once they get to their Class play-offs they will be evenly matched. But for now, unfortunately, they get crushed a lot because they are no way evenly matched. They only have 2 current seniors on their team and our girl is by FAR the youngest of the young. Playing a super important, high stress position. But she's holding her own. God Bless. 

She has her batting lesson tonight, which will be great. I think she gets a lot of frustration out on that poor ball. LOLLL

So, I was able to see Barb on Saturday night for a bit. Web and I went over to her new place for pizza and wine chill time. Was nice catching up. Our busy lives have not given us much free time for anything other than sleep. Not joking. She is getting excited for her upcoming birthday bash. Can't wait.

In the meantime, we are trying to squeeze in some gardening and outside prep because that's where the party will take place. Will work on more over break and little by little as the weather cooperates.

Charlotte had a double-header scrimmage yesterday and was in the sun for 5 hours, but it was cold and windy. Didn't even think she may get a little sun or need sunscreen, but boy, she got some sun. Thank goodness her face mask, shielded her most of the time.

Okay guys, hope this Holy Week treats you well.

Love to all xo, Annie

PS- This is a picture from that awful scene at Charlotte's school last Thursday. How terrifying.
