The Weekend Webster Visit.

 Happy Sunday all.

Gramma and Papa Web came for a visit from Friday until today, they just left.


Unfortunately, it POURED rain all weekend and actually just started pouring again as we speak. Barb said to me yesterday, "I've never seen it rain this much for 3 days straight without a break!"  It's insane. My flowers are very happy but man, it definitely put a damper on softball watching (everything was canceled) and just any plans. We did go out to dinner last night and Web took them to see our high school musical.

So Web decided to take his parents into Brooklyn to see his cousin Mike's new baby. He knew Mary Jo had mentioned it prior, and it was something for them to do during the day on Saturday. Just something to do while we were all stuck in the house for 3 days. I was feeling super crummy health-wise. I was scared and thought it (dare I say) may be COVID again, but I tested negative. This morning, I finally started feeling better. Don't know if it was a bug, or just rundown from the insanity of the week before, or the weather with my head, but I felt like crap. Charlotte stayed back with me while they went to BK. Her poor body (and mind) needed that softball break anyway. And her softball today was also canceled. So really, it worked out nicely for her to kind of rejuvenate. She's been going NON-STOP since last August straight through.

We are counting down the days until the last day of teaching. It's June 13th for us. Then a week and a half of finals/Regents. This year was A LOT for us, so we are welcoming this summer with wide open arms! Charlotte will be hopefully working at that same camp as last year, she'll be keeping us busy with travel ball and we are really hoping to squeeze in a much needed family vacation since we were stuck here all year with sports. We need a getaway bad. I may also try and plan a girl's getaway with Barb over the summer, just a weekend or something. We'll see...

So, what's on tap for today? Everything I didn't get to this weekend. An endless laundry pile. Schoolwork and grading and clearing out the basement of all the party decor we piled down there before company this weekend. But that mess has been weighing on me. So, lots to do this Sunday. All homebound stuff, but a lot of it. Charlotte has an essay to write and then will try and meet up with a friend of hers to get out of the house for a bit. She needs it. Big time.

Sending lots of love your way.


