The Final Spring "Break" Chapter.

 Happy Saturday everyone.

We've been CRAZY busy in the weeds here with softball and house/party prep. You would think I was hosting a wedding - Geez. Lord help us. My big downfall is I'm a perfectionist. What can't I just be one of these, "Ahh, no frills, it is what it is kind of people?"  Just not in my DNA I guess. yikes.

Anyway, Charlotte has been playing or practicing ball all week. She had another game yesterday and it was around 85 degrees. So unseasonably hot. Thank goodness Mom had her old beach umbrella in her trunk. It definitely helped with the beating sun. And today? It's 65. Oy! The other day, 90 in Central Park. My goodness. What happened to spring, eh?

So our girl has been holding her own on the Varsity team. She's learning more and more with every game. And she's out there with 18 year old women who are on their way to college! So let's hear it for the peewee freshman girl who is keeping her spot out there in shortstop. I couldn't do it, that's for sure. Lots of pressure and coaching and learning and applying and man oh man, I really couldn't be more proud.

A photographer colleague who takes pictures for the games on our school's end (we played our school yesterday (South Side)) shared a few nice shots of Charlotte at bat. As spectators we can never get that close. So what a nice treat to have these pics. I will definitely be framing one :)

So tomorrow Charlotte has a full Greek Easter Sunday of a travel tournament. No rest for the weary here. I will go to one of the games but I am swamped with schoolwork that was left to the side as I prepped all week for Barb's party. I'm in pretty good shape with that, but now I need someone to do my report cards and finish my lesson plans. Anyone? LOL

Web just ran to the supermarket to pick up just a few things that will get us through the week. I am taking a break to catch you guys up, then back to schoolwork.

I hope you are all doing great. Love to all xo, Annie
