Hump Day Check In

 Hello all.

VERY busy here this week with life, school, softball and Barb's party Saturday. Like HOLY BLEEP. Probably won't be able to check back on here until Sunday because the tent is going up tomorrow and it's GAME TIME. All hands on deck and decorating/setting up frenzy.

But on a brighter note, before I go, Charlotte was in a recent local newspaper article about softball. They had her in a nice pic and they said some nice things. Something great for her college applications and so nice to have for ourselves. Go her!

Speaking of, we are running out of here at 4 PM to go see her play again in a town about 20 minutes away. Hope they do okay.

Off I go to get Part 24 of today going. Wish me luck on the party end. I will try and hop on to let you know what's happening.
