Happy Easter!

 Coming to you late on Easter night to wish you all a blessed day.

Hope it was everything you wanted. We've had a crazy, busy few days since we went on Spring Break Thursday. Web and I hightailed it into getting the entire outside spruced up, weeded and looking good. We still aren't done. We have the side yard by the driveway to still finish. We left that for last because we aren't really focusing Barb's party in that area. The big tent, food, music etc. will be on the other side of the house. But this side area, I'm designating for the smokers and more of a lounge that are situated away from the party. So yeah, tomorrow we will finish up the entire side yard and clear out the back of the house as a pass through from behind the tent in case the bartender needs to run into the kitchen. So much. Tick tock...

Back to Easter. Super low-key today as Barb's entire family was knocked out for the count with being sick. Major bummer. We were all going to head over to Mom and Dad's for brunch, so it was a super, quiet late breakfast with just 9 of us. Brunch was delicious. Lots of homemade goodies from Mom and Dad. We are still stuffed.

It was so nice to see Chris Logios since he's moved away. Haven't seen him since Christmas. He is settling into his beautiful new home. Sam said they are now focusing on the outside, landscaping etc. Go them! Isabel was with her boyfriend at his house and Eva is at college. So the only kids that joined us were O and Katie. Was so great catching up with them :)

At least Charlotte and Marina had the chance to carry on some Easter traditions. They got together on Easter Eve to make the bunny cake and dye the eggs.  I feel bad they all got sick overnight. That stinks.

So we still have a whole vacation ahead of us which I'm super stoked about. I need this time to get my ducks in a row for party time on 4/22. So much to freaking do. It's insane. The list never gets shorter. I just keep adding to it!

Okay everyone, sending you all a big Easter hug. I'll check in soon to say hey.


