TGIF! Woo-Hoo

 Happy Weekend everyone!

I tried to upload of Charlotte up at bat at yesterday's game. She hit a homerun and because they started early we freaking missed it :( I know. But it was a great shot over the left fielder's head. We saw her hit a nice single and she stole her way all around the bases until she stole home. I tried to upload the video but it didn't work. I'm trying to figure things out on this new site. UGH. We are so proud of her. Beyond words. She has another game today. So we are in the thick of this and it's only the beginning. She has a bunch of upcoming games all jammed into April. And we have Barb's big birthday celebration. So LOTS happening all at once here.

She has another game Saturday morning as well. And man, we need to get that outside of the house cleaned up for sure! Weeds are coming in fast and furious and the mulch needs a refresh like nobody's business. I honestly can't even look at it anymore.

So we have a lot going on. Had my last school observation yesterday. Glad that's over. And now we are entering the 4th and last quarter of the schoolyear.

Hope you are all hanging in there. I have major Spring Fever! I will upload as many videos and pictures of Charlotte and softball as I can.

Thanks for all your support. xo Annie

