Hump Day Hustle

 Wednesday, March 29th

Happy Mid-Week Woo-Hoo.

Last night Charlotte had a COLD softball game. Unfortunately, they lost. The other pitcher only let up two hits. Guess who hit one of them? Yup. Our girl. She had a nice crack out to left field, right up the third base line. When I figure this site out I will upload videos. I will sit with Web if we have a free ( HA!) few minutes this weekend to navigate this thing.

So we are still thawing out here at Casa Web. Oh, which reminds me I have to charge my heated vest up for tomorrow's late windy game and it's faaar away. Yikes. Web and I will probably have to leave by the latest 3:45 to make it on time. It's smack in the middle of rush hour. 

So the girl is holding her own on the team and learning as she goes. Every game is new, with new things that come up and she's learning by doing. Which is both great and can be stressful. Lots happening all at once.

So happy tomorrow is Thursday, which means we're getting to the weekend. Today was a rest day from softball where I didn't have to run to a game or pick her up from practice so what did I do? I ran all the errands I haven't run in three weeks. Now, I'm crawling to this Wednesday finish line. I think I can...

We all collapsed by 9 PM last night. Charlotte slept hard! She needed it.

Running to go have a nice steak on the grill kind of dinner. Yum. Better than running and eating in the car! I'll take it.

Love to all xo Ann
